Mbah Maridjan found dead in circumstances prostration at his home with full body burns after Mount Merapi erupted. Before the accident occurred, Mbah Maridjan was asked to come to evacuate to a safe place, but the man refused 83 years.
Mbah Maridjan lived in the hamlet of Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman. His house is only five kilometers from the summit of Mount Merapi. This condition is of course dangerous. But as the gatekeeper of Merapi, the father of 10 children are reluctant to leave his residence. Mbah Maridjan served as vice caretaker of Mount Merapi in 1970. He held the position as caretaker began in 1982.
Mbah Maridjan started sticking his name when Merapi erupted in 2006. At that time he also refused to leave the house to evacuate. "If I had fled, later laughed at the chicken," he said at one point.
'Ulah' Mbah Maridjan it could cause controversy, but because that's his name widely known. He then starred in an ad that catapulted him more.
Unfortunately, there is now no longer Mbah Maridjan. He swept the clouds heat or called wedus trash that comes from Merapi eruption, the mountain that had been loyal to accompany his days.